Her mastery of both instruments is impressive, but so is her take on music: it is fun, it is light-footed, rhythmically and structurally complex, emotional and technically superb.
Freejazz Stef
Silke Eberhard is a force in contemporary jazz. Her music is both transparent and biting, blending technical mastery with a passionate, confrontational style.
Eberhard’s compositions are highly compressed and complex, delivered with a dry humor and incisive commentary through her instruments.
Deutscher Jazzpreis, 2023
for Potsa Lotsa XL “large ensemble of the year”
Jazzpreis Berlin, 2020
Music and Recordings
Hannes Zerbe "Das Floß der Medusa"
Rolf Becker - Actor, Jürgen Kupke - cl, Silke Eberhard - as, Hannes Zerbe - p, Christian Marien - dr
Date: January 16, 2025, 8:00pm
Venue: Wabe Berlin
Tickets at the door
Jazzkeller 69 Free Session
Opening Band with Willi Kellers, Meinrad Kneer, Silke Eberhard
Date: January 20, 2025, 7:30pm
Venue: Kühlspot, [Lehderstrasse 74-79, 13086 Berlin-Weissensee]
» Number of participants limited. Showing up on time, secures a place!
Schärli & Zytynska Duoplus
Peter Schärli - Trompete, Sylwia Zytynska - Vibraphon, Silke Eberhard - Altsaxophon
Date: January 23, 2025, 12:15pm
Venue: Aarau, Forum Schlossplatz
Schärli & Zytynska Duoplus, Basel
Peter Schärli, Sylwia Zytynska, Silke Eberhard
Date: January 24, 2025, 6:30pm
Venue: Gare Du Nord, Basel