Video Interview: In conversation with Maxi Broecking

At the Jazzfest Berlin, November 2023, Silke Eberhard´s Potsa Lotsa XL played a commissioned composition by Henry Threadgill together with his band Zooid, for which they adopted Threadgill’s Zooid system. Before, the author and curator Maxi Broecking visited Silke Eberhard in her rehearsal space in Berlin and talked to her about Threadgill’s own language of intervals, about Eric Dolphy’s importance to Potsa Lotsa XL and about collecting, research and practice as essential musical working methods.
WATCH INTERVIEW (Mediathek Berliner Festspiele)

Short Movie: Eine Sekunde Nichts

“One Second of Nothing” is the name of this film – it shows the musicians of the Potsa Lotsa XL ensemble in musical and extra-musical scenarios. The title is doubly misleading: the film is neither radically short nor is it characterised by emptiness or meditative calm. Quite the opposite. “A Second of Nothing” is a turbulent collage of short snippets, a portrait of the musicians: sometimes playing, sometimes talking to each other. Jürgen Kupke hurries dadaistically through Neukölln with his clarinet, band leader Silke Eberhard explains that she likes to set trams and pedestrians to music, while pianist Antonis Anissegos confesses that he would like to be an artichoke on a “Pizza Lotsa”. A quirky piece of work that occasionally recalls the experimental films of Rosa von Praunheim and Helge Schneider.

Directed by Florian Japp

ca. 20 minutes
In German with English subtitles

WATCH (Mediathek der Berliner Festspiele)

Moers Festival

tune in into Moers Festival, on arte live stream

June 30
51% SILKE EBERHARD & GUESTS (AT, DE, JP, US, BR) w Elisabeth Harnik, Almut Kühne, Liz Kosack, Yuko Oshima, Mariá Portugal
arte concert live stream
21.50 – 22.30 h

June 31
arte concert live stream
20.40 – 21.20 h

The whole festival and it’s live stream can be reached via


Arsenal of Democracy

Tune in into Deutschlandfunk: Radio broadcast from our premiere at Heimathafen Neukölln in September is online until December 3, 2019.

Julia Wolfe
Arsenal of Democracy

Joanna Bailie

Silke Eberhard
Busking (UA)

David Lang

Steve Reich
City life

Flöte: Aaron Dan
Klarinetten: Shelly Ezra, Zylvinas Brazauskas
Saxophone: Ruth Velten, Silke Eberhard, Kirstin Niederstrasser
Horn: Morris Kliphuis
Trompeten: Damir Bacikin, Paul Hübner, Lina Allemano
Tenorposaunen: Florian Juncker, Christophe Schweizer
Bassposaune: Vladimir Veres
Klaviere: Antonis Anissegos, Vitaliy Kyianytsia
Sampler: Sebastian Berweck, Silke Lange
E-Bass/Kontrabass: Oliver Potratz
Schlagzeuge: Lukas Böhm, Juris Āzers

Dirigentin: Ni Fan


Foto: C. Marx / Photomusix